Education: John Taylor Gatto dialectic’s & conditioning


The Ultimate History Lesson is a 5-hour journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of public schooling. Former New York City and New York State School Teacher of the Year, John Taylor Gatto, illustrates HOW and WHY our public schools are dumbing us down… and what We can do about it.

Gatto_weapons_instructionWith more than 200 footnotes, and more than 30 classic texts referenced; this 5-hour interview session, memorializing John’s research, publications, and life experiences, forms an impeccable family resource and reference library of The Underground History of American Education and its effects on 21st Century America.

Each hour focuses on examining the evolution of ideas, which manifest today in the phenomenon of public schooling. By dissecting the history and presenting you with the references, you’re left at the end of each hour, with a copious amount of information to digest; from which you can continue your own personal journey of discovery.

This interview also includes solutions, documents, and references; asking only that you consider the information – THINK FOR YOURSELF – and communicate with others in order to share a higher-level of awareness. This presentation is offered as a public service thanks to the generosity of the subscribers of the Tragedy and Hope online community, which is an international research and study group, composed of individuals who have screened our productions, and seek to take the next-steps in enacting strategic solutions. Written by T&H

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